Best Microsoft Powerpoint Templates and Backgrounds 4 Free

Link Exchange

Link Exchange – Submit Your URL

We add links matching the following criteria:
The page rank of your site is 2 or higher.
We only swap with sites that are similar in theme and content, which means the content of your pages must be relevant to the topic of our page.
Relevancy with our business – Powerpoint presentations, Powerpoint templates, themes, backgrounds, Powerpoint tips, public speaking, graphics, graphic design.
Do not place our link in a web page having more than 20 outbound links.
Link exchange is done with complete websites only. Under construction or non-indexed sites are disallowed.

1. Please add the following to your resources page

Title: Free Powerpoint templates and themes

Description: Free templates and backgrounds for Microsoft Powerpoint presentations.


or copy the following link exchange code to your site:

<a href=”” title=”Powerpoint templates and themes”>Free Powerpoint templates, themes and backgrounds</a> – Free best templates, themes and backgrounds for Microsoft Powerpoint presentations.

2. Email us at and provide us with the following:

The link for the page where you have added our listing
Your website title, description and Url

We will then add your information to our resources page and you will receive an email confirming the addition.

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